Read our latest news to discover what is happening around Centacare.
When a child experiences trauma it can affect how they think, feel and react to family, friends, other people and everyday situations. As a parent or caregiver, understanding trauma is important to effectively support your child. Our Specialist Family and Relationship Care practitioners offer information and strategies to help your child and your family.
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This Christmas, our services are drawing on their close ties to their local communities. From the Gold Coast and Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast and the Fraser Coast, our teams and their community partners are coming together to deliver festive cheer where it is needed most.
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Leaving an abusive relationship can be the most dangerous time for you and your children. It’s important to have a plan that is specific to your situation and can be adapted as things change but here are some things to consider.
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Research confirms the devastating impact family violence can have on children’s lives and their physical and emotional development, even if they’re not experiencing the violence first-hand. Learn about the impacts of violence on children and the signs that a child may not be coping.
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Grief is a natural, emotional response to loss and unfortunately, an unavoidable part of family life. Often, we aren’t prepared for difficult situations and as a parent, you might be navigating your own grief as well. Centacare's Specialist Family and Relationship Care practitioners offer information and strategies to help support you and your family during challenging times.
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Financial pressure, holiday preparations and busier-than-usual social calendars - the end of the year can be a challenging time for families. Centacare's specialist family and relationship care practitioners offer some tips to help you navigate this time of year.
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The importance of an ongoing conversation in putting an end to domestic violence cannot be underestimated. As domestic and family violence prevention month draws to a close, Centacare has unveiled Brisbane CBD’s first Red Bench on the grounds of St Stephen’s Cathedral, aimed at prompting conversations about the issue.
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In the last two years, Centacare has supported more than 4,000 teenagers experiencing emotional and physical abuse at the hands of their parents or guardians. Centacare has once again called on the community to take a stand against domestic and family violence in its tenth annual march and candlelight vigil at Maroochydore. More than 300 people attended the event, which is held with Sunshine Coast Council to mark the start of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month.
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