
Read our latest news to discover what is happening around Centacare.

How to recognise the signs of elder abuse


More emphasis is being placed on learning to recognise the signs of elder abuse, with calls to Queensland’s elder abuse hotline showing older people are more likely to experience abuse in their own home, at the hands of their own family. Centacare's Desley Chorlton manages the delivery of vital in-home and social and community support services and outlines the signs that can help us recognise elder abuse.

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“Winn beloved”, postcards from the war

Aged care

It was 1945, but Winn can remember the day she stood on the platform at Clapham Junction Railway Station like it was yesterday. She was there to reunite with her fiancé, Rob, who was returning from the war in Britain. She said it was the happiest day of her life. This Anzac Day, when we pause to honour the bravery and sacrifice of our servicemen and women, we tell a beautiful love story that began with war and lasted a lifetime.

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Gender pioneer Beryl ‘breaks the bias’

Aged care

In the 1950s, when men were breadwinners and women the home makers, Beryl, 93, managed a plumbing and hardware shop. Her push for equal opportunity makes her the perfect person to talk to this International Women’s Day.

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The farm is where the heart is for Percy

Aged care

It’s mid-Summer in Kingaroy, but Percy, 89, shows no signs of slowing down as he tends to his acre of land. He was a farmer in his early years and keeping busy alongside his support worker Patricia brings him great joy.

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A meaningful career


Discover how David found a meaningful career with Centacare after leaving a fast paced role as a foreman for a construction company.

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Art carves a path to connection at Alani

Aged care

Uncle Phil, 81, from Forest Lake is a talented artist who can carve intricate patterns in timber, engrave on emu eggs and paint on just about anything. This Seniors Month, we talk to him about the powerful role art plays in his life and how it strengthens the beautiful community he’s found at Alani Social and Community Hub.

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A little support makes a big difference for Dot

Aged care

This Dementia Action Week (20-26 September) we join Dementia Australia to show that, for people living with dementia, ‘a little support makes a big difference’.

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What makes a good life?

Aged care

According to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, it’s social connection that keeps us living well. At Centacare we know your heart and soul is in your home and we’re committed to helping you live a good life from there, connected to your community, friends and social networks.

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Still the best place to put your feet up

Aged care

For most of us, our home is our sanctuary. It’s where we feel safe and comfortable. The good news is there are services available, and even government funding, to help you achieve this.

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Shirley lives well with flexible respite

Aged care

Shirley, 87, is one busy lady. She looks after her husband, Keith, who has dementia and tends to their three-bedroom Corinda home. With funding for flexible respite, Keith is cared for in their home, out in the community and at their local social and community hub.

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