
Read our latest news to discover what is happening around Centacare.

Age no barrier to learning at Centacare

Aged care

Mary, 75, and Shirley, 87, love being ‘online’. They both use Facebook to keep in touch with family and Shirley streams music through her iPad.

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Later years no time to take it easy

Aged care

Dot is 87 years old and lives with dementia. But watching her go through the moves in her weekly balance class, she doesn’t look a day over 60.

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Coast residents stand together against domestic and family violence

Family and relationship care

More than 300 Sunshine Coast residents gathered at Centacare’s annual candlelight vigil and community march at Maroochydore during Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month.

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Helping others is a way of life for local volunteers

Aged care

Helping others is something Kaye has always loved to do, she is making a big difference for our clients, volunteering her time to support the operation of our transport service.

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Elder abuse happens

Family and relationship care

Any older person can experience abuse, whether they live alone, with others or in care. Being able to recognise the signs that an older person is experiencing abuse is an important first step.

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“I believe you.” How to support survivors of sexual violence

Family and relationship care

Many survivors of sexual violence choose not to report (or withdraw reports of) their abuse because they fear they won't be believed. If someone tells you about their sexual assault, let them know that you believe and reassure them and that it's not their fault.

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Why we need to talk about sexual consent

Family and relationship care

Sexual consent is an agreement to participate in a sexual activity. Consenting and asking for consent is all about setting your personal boundaries and respecting those of your partner and checking in if things aren’t clear.

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Signs your child may not be coping

Family and relationship care

Some children and young people might show signs that domestic and family violence is affecting them and others may keep their feelings inside. It’s important that you can recognise the signs that your child may not be coping.

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