No matter how you're experiencing violence - whether it's at home, in your own relationship or if you're worried about a friend - our caring team of practitioners are here to support you. Based out of our secure Hervey Bay office with easy access to public transport, this is a free service designed to help you understand your circumstances, navigate your options and reach a solution that's right for you. You'll be given the opportunity to share your own story, in your own way and in your own time in our confidential sessions. We also believe in the importance of prevention and education and deliver regular programs to schools in your local area. If you and your peers would like to learn more about domestic and family violence through our programs, ask your school to get in touch with us.
If you are experiencing domestic and family violence, it’s important you tell an adult you trust about what’s going on. You can also call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 to talk about your options.